Bigger pocket money podcast
Bigger pocket money podcast

bigger pocket money podcast

Subscribe to The “On The Market” YouTube Channel Listen to All Your Favorite BiggerPockets Podcasts in One Place The simple but profound moves Scott made to triple his net worth in just a few years How Mindy and Scott found the FIRE movement and how they both quickly reached financial independenceīecoming a CEO and why Scott’s “don’t ask for a raise” philosophy paid off BIG timeĬhoosing to work instead of retiring early and why a meaningful livelihood beats a relaxing early retirement individual stock-picking debate and why Mindy started to shift her portfolio The origins of the BiggerPockets Money Podcast and how risky investing prompted a powerful podcast If you want to know the real reason behind Scott and Mindy’s skyrocketing success, stick around because their stories are much more repeatable than you may think. In this special four-hundredth episode, Mindy and Scott share their money stories, how they found the FIRE movement, what they did with their money, and why they choose to work, even though they don’t have to. Now financially free, Mindy and Scott refuse to retire early for a good reason. Through hard work and skill-building, Mindy and Scott were brought together, prompting them to start the BiggerPockets Money Podcast and build a company they both love. Both started at jobs they didn’t love, wanting to be financially free.

bigger pocket money podcast

This is precisely what happened to your hosts, Mindy Jensen and Scott Trench. And as a result, you end up being in a better position, at a more respectable job, earning more than you thought possible, and enjoying the challenge of everyday work. You develop skills that help you make more at your job, feeding into bigger, better investments. But, you then find the “financial independence, retire early movement (FIRE),” and almost overnight, you decide that your future will be dedicated to setting yourself financially free. The mind-numbing tasks, the early mornings, late nights, horrible bosses-it all adds up. When you first start working a job, all you can think of is escaping your everyday responsibilities. Being able to retire early is a blessing and a curse.

Bigger pocket money podcast